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Accepted Paper:

42: Images of Hitchhikers from an Unguided Android Galaxy  
Patrick Laviolette (FF, MUNI, Masaryk Univ.)

Paper short abstract:

This talk addresses how shoddy, low-res DIY images are an intrinsict part of the car-commons phenonmenon known as hitchhiking.

Paper long abstract:

Historically, hitchhiking is inherently connected with the arts and literature. This paper will present several auto-stopping illustrations. By showcasing a range of pictures alongside some pop-culture examples, it offers a visual depiction of certain poetic, political, filmic and literary themes related to the alternative modalities of experience involved in thumbing a ride. This allows us to continue questioning in more depth what the relationship is between this practice and larger economic transformations such as neoliberalism, the gig economy and recently transforming eco-synergies? Where do 'slowness' and sharing fit in? Who are the a(e)ffective characters in designing new economies (financial and moral) instilled by riding with relative strangers?

The talk explores a number of events since 2017 that were part of a concerted effort in the early 21st century to keep this practice alive, despite many public discourses advocating the contrary. Such an auto-stop/hitchhiking revival exists through race competitions, hitch-gatherings, art events, online publications, museum exhibitions and other audio/visual/textual accounts. Through a range of quite unprofessional pictures, I intend to present a few issues which mirror hitchhiking's DIY character.

Panel P178a
Tools, techniques, and technologies: doing visual anthropology concretely [VANEASA]
  Session 1 Tuesday 26 July, 2022, -