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Accepted Paper:

Unmet Aspirations as Exploitation: Migrant Factory Workers, Part-time Jobs and the Shadow of Entrepreneurial Dreams  
Yueran Tian (Bielefeld University)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper explores unmet entrepreneurial aspirations of migrant factory workers in China. I argue that rather than helping young workers to escape from low-wage jobs, unmet entrepreneurial aspirations become a form of exploitation.

Paper long abstract:

Entrepreneurial aspirations are common among migrant factory workers in China. Young workers unsatisfied with their status quo take part time jobs that claim to help achieve their dreams. Recruitment narratives of these part-time job organizations such as direct sales companies form a sharp contrast between workers’ repetitive tasks facing the assembly line and a sense of freedom working with people. From short term aspirations such as trips to different parts of China to long term goals like providing a good life for themselves and their parents, young workers believe that they are able to escape from the low-wage job and become business leaders. Recruiters exaggerate the fun part of the job and brand it as an opportunity for self-development while in reality, young workers have to participate in various events during their already limited free time. Moreover, new recruits invest a lot of money which makes it even more difficult for them to leave the organization so that they have to rely on the wage job as their safety net. Young workers rather than turning into rich entrepreneurs max out credit cards or apply for internet based loans in order to sustain their stay in the organization. Unmet entrepreneurial aspirations in this case become a form of exploitation that puts young workers in debts rather than fulfilling their hopes.

Panel P144a
Aspiration, Unrealised: Anthropological perspectives on reaching for that which cannot be grasped
  Session 1 Friday 29 July, 2022, -