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Accepted Paper:

The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the perception of food as a resource. The case of Poland  
Agnieszka Maj (Warsaw University of Life Sciences)

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Paper short abstract:

The aim of the presentation is to consider whether the pandemic has contributed to changing the ways in which food is sourced in everyday life. Such behaviours as a more rational shopping for food, limiting eating out as well as the use of online food delivery will be examined.

Paper long abstract:

How has the COViD-19 pandemic redefined our thinking about the "essential"? In my presentation I would like to address this topic in the context of food supply strategies. Research carried out over the last two years in various countries in Europe and around the world indicates that the experience of living in a reality of lockdown, which involved, among other things, the need to limit contact with others or to reduce the number of visits to shops, has in many cases forced a change in the food supply strategies used by consumers (see, among others, Bracale, Vaccaro 2020, Janssen et al. 2021, Aday and Aday 2020, De Backer et al. 2021). New practices which we could observe not only in Poland, but also globally, included, among others: striving for more rational planning of shopping and use of previously accumulated food stocks, preparing meals on one's own, or limiting eating out in favour of ordering food deliveries online. Can these experiences contribute to changing the way in which we manage food in the future? Or are they just a temporary adaptation to circumstances? How has the pandemic affected our perception of food as a 'resource'? I would like to answer these questions by referring to the results of my own research - in-depth interviews conducted with a selected group of respondents form Poland.

Panel P150b
Food and Digitalization: Issues of Visibility, Exploitation and Sustainability [EASA Food Network]
  Session 1 Tuesday 26 July, 2022, -