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Time zone: Europe/Lisbon
Anthropology of Humanitarianism Network (AHN)
Anthropology and the Arts (ANTART)
Anthropology and Mobility Network (AnthroMob)
Anthropology and Social Movements
Anthropology of Security
Anthropology of the Middle East and Central Eurasia (AMCE)
European Network for Psychological Anthropology (ENPA)
Europeanist network
Environment and anthropology network (Enviroant)
Future Anthropologies Network (FAN)
Collaboratory for Ethnographic Experimentation #Colleex
Anthropology of Confinement Network (Zoom)
Anthropology of Economy
Linguistic Anthropology in Europe (ELAN)
European Network for Queer Anthropology (ENQA)
History of Anthropology Network (HOAN)
Mediterraneanist Network (MedNet)
Teaching Anthropology Network (TAN)
Visual Anthropology (VANEASA)
Medical Anthropology Europe (MAE)
The exhibition Field/Works. Kaleidoscopic activities between anthropology and art opens with a guided tour, special guests, and discussions with virtual drinks.
This is a public event organized by the ANTART (Anthropology and the Arts) network and the FBAUL (Faculty of Fine Art) at Lisbon University.
Terms of engagement
Anthropology is nothing if it is not a particular way of describing the world. Yet what is most precious to it -- the terms and concepts that mark it as a discipline -- can also be the most tricky. When resurgent boundaries and exclusions twist truth-telling and faking in any which way, anthropology might find a new urgency in thinking about the conceptual life it tries to express. How it engages has always depended on (attention to) how terms are used, something shared with those who people its subject matter. Today critical attention has never been more important. An exploration into the colourings and resonances of diverse verbal usages, old and new, points to moments where language works both with us and against us. Indeed supports for xenophobia and the like may be embedded where least expected. Out of it all, the lecture imagines a future for anthropological exposition. There could be no better place to start than in EASA’s many-languaged company.

Marilyn Strathern
Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology at Cambridge, and former Mistress of Girton,150 years ago the first residential college for women in the UK. Strathern had the good fortune to begin her research career in Papua New Guinea, which led to work on law, kinship and gender relations. She subsequently became involved with anthropological approaches to the new reproductive technologies, intellectual property and audit cultures. Her most well know comparativist foray remains Partial Connections (1991). The recently published, Before and after gender (2016), is also one of her first texts, written in the early 1970s. A genuinely recent book will be Relations: an anthropological account (2020).
Sean Kingston Publications launched Anthropology Inside Out: Fieldworkers Taking Notes, edited by Astrid Oberborbeck Andersen, Anne Line Dalsgård, Mette Lind Kusk, Maria Nielsen, Cecilie Rubow and Mikkel Rytter.
This is available as a FREE Open Access ebook on the exhibit page. A colour paperback is also available to purchase at a discount.
Ken Wissoker (Senior Executive Editor) and Gisela Fosado (Editorial
Director) at Duke University Press offered advice on publishing and the Duke Anthropology list.
A chance for members to gather, hear what the elected Executive has been doing, learn what is planned for the future, and discuss and raise issues with the Exec. All members are welcome to attend.
You can read the agenda and members are invited to read (again) the Draft of Good Practice guidelines in collaborative research, as these will be discussed and voted upon. The Exec has prepared an update for Agenda item J on the EASA Code of Conduct.
Members' motions had to be submitted one week prior to the AGM. EASA received this motion to take the EASA journal Open Access, which will be discussed during the meeting.
The world is clearly at a political turning point in terms of democratic rights, freedom of the press including that of journal scholarship, and mobility of ideas and people. Even the flow of objects is facing new barriers of borders and tariffs. What can anthropological theory contribute to our understanding of this situation? How can we actively confront this moment? How does the positioning of journals and their editors in terms of geography, history of colonisation, racialisation, gender, access through private ownership or pay to publish affect anthropological theory? How is the current global condition in the time of crisis as subject of anthropological inquiry interlinked with the global shape of anthropologies themselves? What are the global interconnections and structures, as well as their ruptures, inequalities and hierarchies, that we must address as we reconstitute our our transforming world as well as our academic careers and practices of research, publishing and teaching? We would like to invite colleagues (not just EASA2020 delegates) to collaboratively discuss with us these pressing questions.
Roundtable moderators:
Nina Glick Schiller (Anthropological Theory)
Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov (Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale)
DJ Buruntuma (Guinea-Bissau and Portugal) is an example of what is increasingly known as the "Lisbon sound", known for the blending of African, Latin, Brazilian, and Portuguese sources. He plays frequently at the famous B.Leza club on the city's waterfront,. His style is Afro-house and in this set he adds notes of fado, pop and Brazilian music, such as fado singer Ana Moura and eighties gay icon António Variações. Buruntuma also draws on the tradition of storytelling - you will hear, for instance, comments on the conference theme.
Lisbon is known as an all-night long, inclusive, safe, and comparatively 'rule-free' party town. Pretend you're there - Buruntuma will help you!