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Accepted Paper:

What does it mean to live in Mayotte-an « ultra-peripheral region » of Europe  
Philippe Charpentier (Cufr Mayotte) Georgeta Stoica (Université de Mayotte (France))

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Paper short abstract:

What does it mean to be an European citizen who lives on an island in an ultra-peripheral French region of the European Union, and what does this mean in practical terms in his daily life?

Paper long abstract:

Located in the Indian Ocean, in the Mozambique Canal, the population of Mayotte is mainly of Bantu and Malagasy origin and the majority of the population speaks Shimaoré ; derived from the Swahili, and Kibushi ; derived from the Malagasy. While it is in an economic and social central position relative to the other islands of the archipelago of Comoros and Madagascar, Mayotte is located on the periphery of Europe since it has been part of one of its ultra-peripheral regions since 2011.

From a personal experience, we search to understand what does it mean to be European for in an Ultraperipheral European Region (Schnapper, 2000, 2003, Taglioni, 2006, 2010)? What is the daily live ? (Vitalien, 2002).

Schnapper, D. (2003). La Communauté des citoyens. Paris. Gallimard.

Schnapper, D. (2000). Qu'est-ce que la citoyenneté ? Paris. Gallimard.

Taglioni, F. (2006). Les petits espaces insulaires face à la variabilité de leur insularité et de leur statut politique de, Annales géographie, n°652, p. 664-687.

Taglioni, F. (2010). L'insularisme : une rhétorique bien huilée dans les petits espaces insulaires. Dans Olivier Sevin. Comme un parfum d'île, PUF, p. 421-435.

Vitalien, C. (2002). Les régions ultra-périphériques entre assimilation et différenciation, Revue française d'administration française, n°101, p. 115-126.

Panel P132
Living in the EU's ultra-peripheral regions: singularities and complexities
  Session 1 Wednesday 22 July, 2020, -