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Accepted Paper:

Contesting the time of models  
Simone Abram (Durham University)

Paper short abstract:

How is time conceptualized in energy modelling exercises? What kinds of temporality are adopted, which temporalities are explicit, how are futures conceptualized, and how does the model or the modellers address modes of time?

Paper long abstract:

All urban experts work with some kind of model - whether it is a model of the world, a philosophical frame, or an equation that helps to calculate needs or problems. There are many forms of expertise, and many approaches to modelling, and models applied to urban settings may not be limited to urban contexts. In the current world of Climate Emergency declarations, increasing pressures for an Energy Transition, and ongoing technological optimism, the role of energy modellers is quietly becoming ever more significant. Researchers are being asked to develop whole-system models, that represent all kinds of energy generation, use, distribution, and interaction. Using examples from one integrated-energy-systems research centre, this contribution asks how time is conceptualized in energy modelling exercises. What kinds of temporality are adopted, which temporalities are explicit, how are futures conceptualized, and how does the model or the modellers address modes of time?

Panel R012
Contested times of urban expertise
  Session 1 Wednesday 22 July, 2020, -