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Accepted Paper:

Fear of Terrorism: Sensing Situations of Potential Danger in the Urban Space  
Stine Ilum (University of Copenhagen)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper is about fear of terrorism in the urban space. Focusing on the sensorial and affective aspects of urban space and life, the paper explores the connection between fear of terrorism and material and social settings as well as memories of previous terrorist attacks in the urban environment.

Paper long abstract:

"I was standing at Nørreport station and the train was delayed, which meant that more and more people came to the platform. The station is below ground and it was rush hour, so we stood there like sardines in a tin. In the end I decided to take the car, because I didn't want to risk standing there any longer." In this way, a Danish woman describes how she in certain situations becomes afraid that a terrorist attack will happen in Copenhagen. Similarly, citizens in Oslo and Paris describe how they from time to time get scared of terrorism as part of their daily lives in the European capitals. Often just for a few seconds, before they think of something else and life goes on.

This paper is about fear of terrorism in the urban space. The paper argues that urban dwellers in Copenhagen, Oslo, and Paris sense situations of potential danger as part of their everyday movement through the urban landscape, which evoke flashes of fear. Fear of terrorism is therefore not constant but momentarily sparked off by specific situations. Focusing on sensorial and affective aspects of urban space and life, this paper explores the connection between fear of terrorism and material and social settings as well as memories of previous terrorist attacks in the urban environment. The paper is based on a year of fieldwork in Copenhagen, Oslo, and Paris, including street level observations and informal conversation as well as interviews in the homes of local citizens.

Panel P174
Sensing Urban Violence and Feelings of (In)Security after the 'Affective Turn' [UrbAn]
  Session 1 Thursday 23 July, 2020, -