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Accepted Paper:

Air Pollution, Differing Understandings of Environmental Risk, and the Production of Confusion in North Macedonia  
Vasiliki Neofotistos (SUNY at Buffalo)

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Paper short abstract:

In this paper, I am interested in examining different understandings of environmental risk in North Macedonia. I argue that the production of confusion and uncertainty over the extent of air pollution is a key part of environmental suffering.

Paper long abstract:

In 2018, the Macedonian capital city of Skopje was declared Europe's most polluted capital in terms of the potentially lethal concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5 fine particles suspended in the air. In this paper, I am interested in examining different understandings of environmental risk in North Macedonia. I am especially interested in the denial, carried out by institutions, and the uncertainty, produced by government officials and corporate personnel, over the extent of air pollution. Confusion is so generalized that major Petre Shilegov announced in late 2018 that Skopje was one of the European cities that had officially entered the competition for the European Green Capital Award 2021. I argue that the production of confusion and uncertainty over the extent of air pollution is a key part of environmental suffering.

Panel P165
Environmental Hazards and the European Periphery
  Session 1 Tuesday 21 July, 2020, -