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Accepted Paper:

Elderly women and the resignification of domestic and everyday life  
Belén Espiniella Sánchez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

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Paper short abstract:

What is the relationship between the meaning of old age and the projection of quality of life for elderly women according to their life trajectory and associated lifestyles? What are the cultural conditioning factors that guarantee a better quality of life?

Paper long abstract:

The conditions of quality of life have expanded in the technological, communication, domestic tasks and daily life. All of which has not been accompanied in an equivalent way in the symbolic inclusion where social relations, inequality and less access to society of opportunities means that advances in quality of life in this area are less developed.

Many aspects of this symbolic universe contain protective factors for self worth health. The change in lifestyle is one of the turning points in the deepest transformations in societies in transition, the notion of lifestyles is the condensation of cultural determinations by which people guide and shape their life projects.

The lifestyle of contemporary seniors is largely installed in the tradition because these are the generation prior to the massification of communications and technologies, being representative of an aspect of intangible cultural heritage. In this sense, a significant generational change takes place as the expectations and conditioning factors increase the optionality of people to make their decisions in the field of affectivity and consumption, among others.

These practices are far from the patterns of market consumption that are part of everyday life.

What is the relationship between the meaning of old age and the projection of quality of life for women according to their life trajectory and associated lifestyles

by adopting lifestyles imposed by this new way of life?

Panel P126
Styles of domestic life: austerity and self-worth
  Session 1 Wednesday 15 August, 2018, -