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Accepted Paper:

Other Europe (Altra Europa) and Landing (Approdi)  
Rossella Schillaci (University of Genoa and UT Austin Colab - Nova University of Lisbon and University of Texas at Austin)

Paper short abstract:

A long documentary and a short experimental webdoc about about the living condition of some Somali and Sudanese refugees in Italy produced by Azul (

Paper long abstract:

LANDING (Approdi) 6' min, 2009, English subs


Short documentary made using interviews took during the research period, pictures by a photojournalist, edited by an editor with sound and video effect

OTHER EUROPE (Altra Europa) 75', 2011, English subs

Observational film by Rossella Schillaci.

What happens to African migrants once granted political refugee status? Which challenges they will need to face and what are their prospects for a decent livelihood in Italy?

In Turin, a northern Italian industrial city, an abandoned clinic has been squatted by more than 200 refugees since December 2008. All of whom are legal. Three emblematic characters guide us in a story that reveals, with intimate look, a collective history, an emblematic tale of all European countries today and about their immigration policies and the changes the social fabric of European cities is undergoing.

Panel Film01
Visualizing futures: audio-visual practices for a contemporary anthropology