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Accepted Paper:

Guilty of urban planning? Strategies and trajectories of first buyers, residents and the state in the Langas land dispute in Eldoret, Kenya  
Miriam Badoux (University of Basel)

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Paper short abstract:

The paper explores implications of urban planning in the neighbourhood of Langas in Eldoret, Kenya. As an original case study of how planning is used to support claims over urban space in a major land dispute, it invites us to reflect on the agency of various actors with regard to urban development.

Paper long abstract:

This presentation explores the implications of urban planning in the neighbourhood of Langas in Eldoret, a mid-sized town located in Western Kenya. Informed by rich and recently collected empirical data, the paper traces back the history of Langas Estate, a former agricultural farm of the 'White Highlands' which has developed into Eldoret's largest informal settlement. More specifically, it shows how past urban planning efforts - co-implemented by the government and the World Bank - have led to a major land dispute, and which role it plays therein. The parties involved, including the first buyers of the land, the state and the current residents of the area, invoke urban planning in various manners to support their claims. While the first buyers have sued the government for developing their land without their consent, urban planning is seen as a legitimation strategy by the current residents. Not only does planning allow them to claim their rights to stay on the land, but it also gives them hope to be eventually granted title deeds, thus opening new opportunities for the future.

Hence, Langas offers an original case study of how urban planning can impact a land dispute and support claims over urban space. Beyond this, my intention is to shed light on the broader implications of planning for urban governance and urbanisation, and invite the panellists and the audience to critically reflect on the agency of various actors with regard to urban development.

Panel P078
The anthropology of urban development: its legacies and the human future
  Session 1