Paper short abstract:
In an action research project about five turning points on the way to health, the researcher, which is a former cancer patient and has employed alternatively two therapeutic systems from different worlds, tried to find out what kind of medicine is the right for him.
Paper long abstract:
In my lecture I am going to present an action research project (french tradition), which is based on a biographical accessment. It is the analysation of the combination of two therapeutic systems, from different worlds, as used by me, a former cancer patient.
After a crisis period spanning nine months, during which I employed alternatively both the biomedicine in Austria and the oriental medicine in Uzbekistan, I realized five turning points. With these points I proceeded with my research, having them as objectives, finding answers to the following questions:
1) Which medicine is right for me?
2) To whom should I go for support?
By receiving feedback during the process from my professor and using the theory Salutogenese (Aaron Antonovsky) as well as medical anthropologycal theories to analyse the turning points, I am going to work out the answers.