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Accepted Paper:
From account to narrative: Quranic school in Damascus as a case study for visual inter-actions in public anthropology
Massimiliano Fusari
(University of Exeter)
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Paper long abstract:
Following on Gilles Peress' work, my research, as both professional photographer and academic researcher, aims at debating what public anthropology might be, as well as how the versatility of photojournalism could be implemented.
The starting point sits on Eisenstein's legacy on montage as a process not limited to cinema, but to all narrative techniques regardless of the medium used. Relying on my professional background, I will re-assess Eisenstein's concepts of vertical and horizontal editing in photography, and then re-articulate keywords such as anthropology, audience, medium and meanings codification, analysis and interpretation accordingly.
I intend to foster my perspective on PA as a field of inter-actions where re-negotiations of hybrid theoretically and methodologically informed perspectives occur together with new ways of looking at closed disciplines. Can we compare audiences of visual narratives by anthropologists to those by visual artists? Hence, the call for a public anthropology with reference to narrative techniques.
Public anthropology for a world in crisis
Session 1