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Accepted Paper:

'To dive in Christ': a topography of religious experience  
Agnieszka Poźniak (Uniwersytet Jagiellonski / Jagiellonian University) Anna Kapusta (Jagiellonian University)

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Paper short abstract:

We will present the Mass as a form of religious ritual and a special kind of lens which focuses on varied, observable symptoms of individual religious behavior. As a result of individual participation in this collective experience, a special individual religious consciousness is constructed.

Paper long abstract:

During fieldwork in a polish village Rybno, we observed a new cloistered women's order. One of the essential phenomena was, that the charism of this convent is created and constructed as the answer to the "postmodern" "civilization disease" - a depression. The activities of the nuns aim to give pilgrims a unique religious experience, which, the sisters hope, would help settle pilgrims private lives and defeat the depression. Rybno, as the goal of postmodern peregrination towards personal spirituality, is characterized by a specific topography of individual religious experience. This place becomes a catalyst of the postmodern experience of sacrum.

In our paper we will present verbalization of religious experience. As a source we chose the contents of the Mass. For the other central points in this analysis, we are going to analyze the phenomenon of "The Rest in the Holy Spirit" as the expression of the deepest individual religious experience.

Panel W034
Crisis in church? Religious authority and religious experience
  Session 1