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Accepted Paper:

Symbolic return to homeland - the case of resettled Lemkos   
Katarzyna Gmaj (Warsaw University)

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Paper short abstract:

Return migration may be defined as the process of return to the country or the place of origin. Giving the example of Lemkos living in Lubuskie Voivodship (Poland) I suggest that sentimental trips, visiting the places of one's ancestors' origin may also be included in the discussion on return migration.

Paper long abstract:

Return migration may be defined as the process of return to the country or the place of origin after a significant period in another country or region. However, I believe that in certain situations sentimental trips, visiting places of ancestors' origin may be included to the discussion on return migration. Also ceremonies and participation in religious activities, when they are related with national/ethnic identity might be considered as a particular kind of symbolic return. I will try to present it on the example of Lemkos living in lubuskie voivodship (Poland). They were resettled from their homeland after the Second World War. They present a particular sense of belonging to the territory.

Panel W050
'Odysseus on the Shore of Ithaca': contemporary return migrations
  Session 1