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Accepted Paper:

Kosovo Albanian migration: legal and illegal forms of flexibility  
James Korovilas (University of the West of England)

Paper short abstract:

This paper investigates different forms of flexibility (and inflexibility) within the pattern of Kosovo Albanian migration since the end of the Kosovo conflict in 1999.

Paper long abstract:

This paper investigates different forms of flexibility (and inflexibility) within the pattern of Kosovo Albanian migration since the end of the Kosovo conflict in 1999. There is a substantial Kosovo Albanian diaspora in northern Europe. This is partly a reflection of Kosovo's turbulent and violent recent history and partly a reflection of the poor economic situation in Kosovo. The Kosovo Albanian diaspora in the UK are heavily involved in remitting money to family in Kosovo. Furthermore, these 'migrant remittances' are shown to provide a vital source of income for the 'home' country, comprising approximately ΒΌ of total GDP. Recent changes in the asylum rules for people from Kosovo limit the flow of legal migration out of Kosovo. In the absence of new waves of migration, the size of the 'remittance active' Kosovo Albanian diaspora would fall over time, with severe implications for a Kosovo economy which has become highly dependent upon the inflow of remittances from the diaspora. This paper concludes that illegal migration between Kosovo and the UK is economically viable. Therefore the size of the remittance active diaspora in the UK can be maintained through illegal migration and the long term economic viability of Kosovo is assured. Finally, this paper proposes a dynamic model of economic migration between Kosovo and the countries of northern Europe, where the flow of migrants is a function of the economic conditions in Kosovo. Therefore, any reduction in the flow of remittances leads to a deterioration of Kosovo's economy, which it turn leads to a replenishing of the remittance active diaspora through further waves of migration.

Panel W045
Locating flexibility in Europe and the world
  Session 1