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Accepted Paper:

Kinship groups and the devolution of family businesses  
Céline Bessiere (CMH-ETT/Ecole Normale Supérieure)

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Paper short abstract:

Two ethnographic studies on family businesses in modern-day France lead us to examine the links between different kinship groups: households, descent groups, and conjugal relationships. The paper questions the use of classical kinship terminologies to analyse contemporary families in France.

Paper long abstract:

<b>Co-author: Sibylle Gollac, EHESS</b></br>

This paper presents the results of two long-term ethnographic studies on family businesses in modern day France (vine-growing farms in the Cognac region, and craft industry small firms). The devolution of family businesses through generations is three-dimensional. It consists of the conveyance of an estate (which implies to share it between children) ; the transfer of the status of company head to a successor, who has acquired occupational qualifications (in particular entrepreneurial skills). The study of these devolutions leads us to examine the links between different kinship groups : households (gift of real estate can serve to bring the residences of family member close together in line with occupational and household demand), « descent groups » (family members have more or less an interest in maintaining and conveying a joint estate) and conjugal relationships. Therefore, this paper throws light on economic, legal and affective issues at stake in family businesses. It questions also the use of classical kinship terminologies to analyse contemporary families in France.

Panel W077
The theory and practice of European kinship
  Session 1