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Accepted Paper:

'Illegal' immigrants and the Swedish media   
Shahram Khosravi (Stockholm University)

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Paper short abstract:

Based on fieldwork among undocumented immigrants in Sweden I will illustrate how the media by focusing on personal narratives of 'illegality' instead of looking at political and social circumstances which force immigrants into 'illegality' reinforces the official discourse on illegal migrants.

Paper long abstract:

'Illegal immigrants' have recently become a hot issue in Sweden.

Statistics, personal narratives, and information about size and characters of 'illegal immigrants' appears in the media and circulate among politicians, journalist and even academics. There is often no reliable source for these kinds of materials. Based on ethnographic fieldwork among undocumented immigrants in Sweden I will present how the media plays a crucial role in this project of re/constructing 'migrant illegality'. Representation of 'illegal immigrants' is based on a simple dichotomy. They are illustrated either as 'victims' who deserves amnesty or as 'anti-citizens' who jeopardize the wellbeing and safety of the Swedish society. I will argue that how journalists by focusing on personal narratives of 'illegality', instead of looking at political and social circumstances which force immigrants into 'illegality', reinforce the official discourse on illegal migrants.

Panel IW01
Refugees, asylum seekers and 'irregular migrants' in Europe: regional and local responses
  Session 1