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Accepted Paper:

Transmigration and cultural transfers: the case of Lithuanian migrants  
Neringa Liubiniene (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas)

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Paper short abstract:

Contemporary migrants usually bring various cultural items from their home countries to the host countries, then conserve or reshape them and transfer them back to the countries of origin. The paper explores the influence of transmigration processes on the remaking of cultural transfers.

Paper long abstract:

In the era of migration and mobility "new" Europeans (citizens of East European countries that joined EU) exercise possibilities of free movement and take chances of taking up occupations in different countries of West Europe. East Europeans move not only physically, but also culturally, that is, from their native countries they bring along various cultural items - ideas, beliefs, values, rituals, and objects that are either conserved or remade under influence of acculturation process. And this is true in the case of contemporary Lithuanian migrants in Europe. But this process is not so simple and one directional, as far as such migrants are used to move back and forth between home and host countries, and by doing so they transfer new or/and hybrid, fragmented, global, local, and reworked cultural patterns and items. Still there comes a question if these mixed and fragmented cultural items are recognized by migrants and, similarly, how they are perceived by migrants.

This paper is based on empirical data and explores the influence of transmigration experience on selection, sharing and reshaping of cultural items by presenting analysis of Lithuanian transmigrants' case in United Kingdom and Ireland.

Panel W056
Lived Europes – lost Europeans?
  Session 1