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Accepted Paper:
Amalie Kozminova
Helena Berankova
(Moravian Museum)
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Paper short abstract:
Amalie Kozminova (1876-1951), a teacher of women works undertook an educational mission in Ruthenia (1918). She used a photographic camera to document the culture in the region, which a few weeks previously was annexed to the newly established Czechoslovakia. The results of the reserch were published in a monograph.
Paper long abstract:
Amalie Kozminova (1876 - 1951), born in an intellectual family in Southwest Bohemia, and aducated in a teacherĀ“s institute, started her professional career as a teacher of women works. From the anthropological point of view, her educational mission in Carpathian Ruthenia, in 1918, is important: her field reserch was made to order of the Czechoslovak government and fruits of it was published in the monograph of Carpathian Ruthenia. Amalie Kozminova was also one of the first women that used a photographic camera in the field to document everyday and festive culture in this region, that had been only a few weeks before annexed to the newly established Czechoslovak Republic, and that was considered exotic in many ways. The paper is to appreciate the pioneer work of Amalie Kozminova made in those post-war, very difficult and even dangerous condittions.
Early European women anthropologists
Session 1