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Accepted Paper:

Journalistic metaphors in understanding Turkey-European Union relations  
Erkan Saka (Istanbul Bilgi University)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper focuses on metaphors such as gendered embodiments in Turkey-EU relations, haunting tropes of concession (mostly related to Cyprus), hope, being modern and spatial metaphors related to slow-going negotiations in the Turkish press during the current EU-Turkey negotiations.

Paper long abstract:

Particularly inspired by Chris Shore's study of metaphors in the context of European Union (EU), this paper focuses on metaphors that are used by Turkish journalists to describe the ongoing membership negotiations. The particular attention is given to the period after the 16-17 December 2004 EU Summit when the EU officially declared to start membership negotiations with Turkey. Although this presentation basically uses interpretative and textual analyses, these are supported by data collected from my ongoing fieldwork among Turkish journalists. Therefore my interpretative work is embedded into a social context of media producers. Gendered embodiments in Turkey-EU relations, haunting tropes of concession (mostly related to Cyprus), hope, being modern or spatial metaphors related to slow-going negotiations could be keywords of interest.

Panel W043
European integration: an anthropological gaze
  Session 1