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Accepted Paper:
Refracted Christianity: reflections on a Swedish case
Barbro Blehr
(Stockholm University)
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Paper short abstract:
Based on contemporary Christian debate in Sweden, this paper will try to question the claim that liberal Christians are motivated by secular concerns while their opponents are not. Furthermore, it will reflect upon various ways in which secular dimensions can be present in religious reasoning.
Paper long abstract:
The Lutheran church of Sweden is a broadly encompassing national church, counting at present 77% of the population as its more or (often) less active members. In recent years, critics outside and within the organisation has accused it of abandoning truly Christian tenets, in order to please its secular surroundings. Based on my reading of contributions to debate in Christian newspapers and journals, the paper will reflect upon this case in terms of refraction and the relationship between the religious and the secular. It will show how those who advocate seemingly secular ideals and values can do so strongly motivated by religious concerns, and discuss whether the arguments presented as truly, uncompromisingly Christian may in themselves refract secular world-views and agendas.
Refractions of the secular: localisations of emancipation in the contemporary world
Session 1