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Accepted Paper:

Afro-Brazilian Religions in Berlin - Practices of Intercultural Connectedness   
Christiane Pantke (Free University Berlin)

Paper short abstract:

My research investigates the role played by two Afro-Brazilian religions, Candomblé and Umbanda in the lives of female Brazilian immigrants in a multicultural Berlin. This paper addresses two key issues: what is their self-perception, and what role do Afro-Brazilian religions play in this context?

Paper long abstract:

My research investigates the role played by the two Afro-Brazilian religions, Candomblé and Umbanda in the lives of female Brazilian immigrants in a multicultural Berlin. These transnational religions are important in shaping the identity of immigrants. Increasing global networking and demographic mobility means that social and gender relationships are now no longer limited to local-level interactions. New forms of social relationships and social cohesion are created whilst new social boundaries are also set. This leads to a shift in values as meanings and interpersonal relationships are changed, reconstructed and freshly experienced in a complex variety of ways. This paper addresses two key issues: what is the self-perception of female Brazilian immigrants in Berlin, and what role do Afro-Brazilian religions play in this context?

Panel W075
The internationalisation of African-American religions
  Session 1