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Accepted Paper:

Land and sea: ecological representations in Kuna Yala (Panama)  
Mònica Martínez Mauri (University of Barcelona)

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Paper short abstract:

The kuna people (Panama) don't conceive their surroundings as 'landscape'. This paper reflects on the use of ecological representations in contemporary constructions of territoriality in Kuna Yala to show the relation between daily practice and ritual practices, the local-global interaction, as well as symbolic elaborations of spaces.

Paper long abstract:

The kuna people (Panama) don't conceive their surroundings as "landscape". In this paper I will intend to reflect on the use of ecological representations in contemporary constructions of territoriality in Kuna Yala to show the relation between daily practice and ritual practices, the local-global interaction, as well as symbolic elaborations of spaces.

Panel W059
Landscapes for life: integrating experiential and political landscapes
  Session 1