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Accepted Paper:

Filmmaking as research tool: new options, new questions  
Beate Engelbrecht (AnthroVision)

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Paper short abstract:

How does the publication of films, the possible uncontrolled uses of films, and the questions of rights and respect influence the process of anthropological film-making? The paper will discuss these questions in the context of long-term anthropological research with Mexican migrants in Mexico and Florida.

Paper long abstract:

Filmmaking is a highly complex process. In the context of anthropological research it is a valuable tool in many aspects. Recording images, constructing stories, discussing montage - nowadays it is possible to do this together with the protagonists easily. What does this mean concerning the research and the publication process? It opens up a new world of research possiblities. It questions the publication process. Here, new options have to be considerate. The production of DVDs on one side, the possiblility of publishing visual material in parts, together with written material, without a given story is one new prospect. The publication of visual material in the Internet is another important and very problematic possibility. Both options question the role of the audience. Is the prospective audience passive, consuming, active, investigating, or …? How does the publication of films, the possible uncontrolled uses of films, the questions of rights and respect influence the filmmaking process itself? The paper will discuss these questions in the context of longterm anthopological research with Mexican migrants in Mexico and Florida and in the context of discussing various film project with young ethnographic filmmakers.

Panel W096
Cinema, mind, world: toward a new methodology in the uses of cinema for anthropology
  Session 1