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Accepted Paper:

Being 'experts': conflict studies at Halle and their involvement in peace processes  
Günther Schlee (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology)

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Paper short abstract:

After an overview of the Halle approach to conflict studies the paper moves on to experience in the Somalia Peace process, in Ethiopia, and in the Sudan. How can anthropology contribute to conflict resolution and how can involvement in conflict resolution activities contribute to research?

Paper long abstract:

The contribution gives a brief overview of the Halle approach to

conflict studies and then moves on to the experience of Halle scholars in the Somalia Peace process, in consultancy work in Ethiopia, and in the Sudan. Relationships of instrumentality are looked at from two opposite ends: It is examined how anthropological approaches can contribute to conflict resolution and how involvement in conflict resolution activities (peace conferences, development intervention in conflict areas, training mediators) can contribute to the anthropological research experience.

Panel W020
Peace and conflict studies in anthropology
  Session 1