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Accepted Paper:
László Kürti
(University of Miskolc)
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Paper short abstract:
I explore the complicity of anthropology and East-Central Europeanness to consider the roles of anthropologists in the academe both at home and elsewhere. I situate my examination of Hungarian anthropology in a broader context.
Paper long abstract:
In this presentation I explore the complicity of anthropology and East-Central Europeanness to consider the roles of anthropologists in the academe both at home and elsewhere. Through a careful reading of previously published articles and chapters on anthropology in Europe, I argue that anthropology is both marginalised by the outside as well as the inside (ourselves). I consider how different anthropological schools must work in unison in order to have important implications for a new European anthropology. I situate my examination of Hungarian anthropology in a broader context by considering how anthropology of the East-Central European kind produces knowledge about anthropology at home and anthropology about home,and what effect such enterprise may have on anthropological development in general.
Eastern Europe as a field of anthropological enquiry (roundtable)
Session 1