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Accepted Paper:
Anatomy of an alliance for affordable urban housing
Ivan Turok
(University of the Free State)
Paper short abstract:
An example of an informal urban reform coalition that is shifting the policy agenda in favour of informal rental housing and grassroots property enterprises. I analyse the role of different stakeholders in promoting policy change, including intermediary organisations, professionals and academics.
Paper long abstract:
The paper explains how an informal partnership is changing the way affordable housing is produced in Cape Town. It explores the alliance’s composition, the roles of different actors and the shifts in City Council policies and practices. The shared objective is to supplement or replace state-led housing delivery systems with a more developmental approach driven by many grassroots property enterprises. With the glue of goodwill, the alliance draws together diverse partners with different expertise, resources and legitimacy. Through collective action they have amplified the voice and capabilities of emerging micro-developers and opened the bureaucracy to outside interests. This has altered the perspectives of senior politicians and officials towards informality, and prompted the City Council to instigate wide-ranging reforms, galvanizing a momentum for change that may be difficult to arrest. The paper illustrates the power of a compelling vision supported by sound technical arguments and articulated by credible actors and organizations.
Reimagining urban futures: Addressing urban informalities, conflicts, exclusion, and displacement through reform coalitions in the south