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Accepted Contribution:

Community-led resilience in Baringo County, Kenya: a capabilities approach to conflict resolution  
Terry Jeff Odhiambo (University of Warwick) Quin Awuor (United States International University -Africa) Richard JUMA

Contribution short abstract:

In Baringo County, cattle are key to livelihoods but are threatened by cattle rustling, causing food insecurity. Using Amartya Sen's Capabilities Approach, this study explores local strategies, revealing women's microfinance and adaptive farming as critical for resilience.

Contribution long abstract:

In Baringo County, cattle play a vital role in the local economy and culture and fall under “communities’ livelihood assets." They are a primary source of income for many families through the sale of livestock, milk, and meat. However, cattle rustling in the area has continuously disrupted and undermined local communities’ livelihoods, leading to food insecurity. To avert the food crisis, the Kenyan government only provides food aid to local people. However, despite the effort, people remain vulnerable. This paper focused on understanding the inherent potential of the local people to change their livelihoods within their respective social and economic milieu in response to the cattle rustling crisis. Amartya Sen's Capabilities Approach was deemed appropriate for the focus of this research as it provides a robust framework for analysing grassroots responses to crises. It underscores the importance of enhancing access to resources, education, and healthcare to address communities' complex and interrelated challenges. The study adopted a mixed-methods approach, merging participatory action research (PAR) with qualitative case studies. Data were collected through focus group discussions, semi-structured interviews with 80 local leaders, and participant observations. Findings revealed that indigenous knowledge systems, women-led microfinance groups, and digital innovations significantly enhanced community capacities. Women’s savings initiatives alleviated economic shocks, while adaptive farming practices strengthened food security amidst the cattle rustling crisis. The paper enhanced development theory by integrating the Capabilities Approach with empirical evidence from rural communities in cattle rustling-prone areas in Kenya.

Workshop PE06
Community-led crisis response as development practice: Reimagining humanitarian action from the global South