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Accepted Paper:

Global Development as an Anti-Discipline: Revisiting the Unfinished Agenda of Non-Aligned Worldmaking  
Gloria Novovic (London School of Economics and Political Science)

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Paper short abstract:

Resisting the epistemic erasure of alternative visions of global development, I outline the unfinished agendas of the Non-Aligned Movement, which are emerging at the core of contemporary contestations of global governance institutions.

Paper long abstract:

As environmental, economic, and socio-political rights continue to be sacrificed at the altar of hyper-globalized capitalism, traditional development paradigms fail to account for diverse global emancipatory goals of our planetary survival. Recognizing the epistemic validity of alternative projects of worldmaking, global development is emerging as a terrain in which exploitative paradigms of socio-economic progress are contested and resisted. This understanding of development as an anti-discipline allows us to weave together a pluriverse of alternative development visions resting on knowledge structures that do not need to be internally coherent to be complementary. Outlining the alternative development paradigm of worldmaking espoused by the Non-Aligned Movement, I trace the unfinished agenda of global governance transformation that our generation of development scholars and practitioners are called to urgently realize.

Panel P51
Unsettling global development
  Session 1 Thursday 27 June, 2024, -