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Accepted Contribution:

Retheorizing and critically epistemizing development frameworks, without relying on parochial eurocentric urban vocabularies, will project just, sustainable, self-determined futures for Global South.  
Aamina Shahid (Politecnico di Milano)


I investigate the phenomenon called 'urban informality' (both theoretical and physical dimensions) in Global South. Looking at cases of squatter/slum settlements and refugee displacements, I draw focus on their production rather than their presence, to confront urban tools and dynamics of power.

Why would you like to speak in this workshop?:

My research situates itself between the concerns of decolonial thinkers at large and Post-Development approaches towards knowledge production pertaining to urban practice and urban imaginaries. Where coloniality and development overlap, complex and nuanced power structures emerge. As seen in regions framed as developing/underdeveloped, a detrimental outcome of these power structures has been the predisposed sources of knowledge.

Following an emergent paradigm in theorizing development from Southern perspectives, I wish to discuss the urban manifestations of internalized colonization and power embedded within the dynamics of urban otherness and exclusion of, and in, the Post-Development Global South. Through studying the displaceability of informal settlements and refugee camps, I would like to questions the epistemics and construction of otherness and threat as a by-product of the colonial lens. I question the enigma of the informal as the unplanned and uncontrolled. This leads us to two interesting questions - is the informal unplanned because the invader, ruler or technocratic planner did not decide how it will be planned or is it un-plannable because the vocabulary of the dominant urban theory and logics of how to live the 'right' way does not explain this way of being?!

Workshop W09
Urban design from the global South/East: Imagining just futures
  Session 1 Thursday 7 July, 2022, -