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Accepted Paper:

Sharing Economy, Digital Platforms, and Community of Digital Nomads: Studying the Workers in an On-demand Gig Economy in Delhi  
Jagriti Lamba (Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi) Anjan Sen (University of Delhi)

Paper short abstract:

The three pillars of an on-demand gig economy are shared resources, a smartphone app, and temporary workers. The paper studies in general all workers, and specifically the women workers working in Ola, Uber, Swiggy, Amazon and Urban Clap.

Paper long abstract:

The term "Gig Economy" stands for a market-based economy that deals with the short-term contract system i.e., paid in accordance of the company or an individual in a marketplace. This economy deals with the public and policy interest growing in an area of academic inquiry putting questions on the future of work, labor regulation, technological impact on job quality. Gig economy has now developed among all kinds of industries. There is a paradigm shift in the choice of labor selection methods and techniques, including working style and hours in Gig Economy. This economy got its birth with the mass adoption of penetration into smartphone, internet which led people to connect globally over a digital platform. With this emerging type of economy, people can now enjoy various benefits like flexibility, freedom to work of their choice, and also women can comfortably look at their families.

Key Words: Digital Economy, Sharing Economy, Gig Economy, Digital Platforms, Gig Worker, Community of Digital Nomads, On-Demand Work

Panel P46c
Informality, Decent Work and Urban Development: Discussing Informal Economies and Cities across the Globe
  Session 1 Wednesday 6 July, 2022, -