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Devolved finance of climate change adaptation in urban settlements 
Esbern Friis-Hansen (Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS)
Climate & ecosystems Urbanisation
Wednesday 6 July, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

This panel invites papers that critically examine the extent to which finance of climate change adaptation is devolved national to local government level and political economy of local government implementation of climate change adaptation support.

Long Abstract:

Since the Paris Agreement in 2015, adaptation debates have increasingly shifted from focusing narrowly on finance to considerations around governance of programming, implementation and impact of support for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The character of finance for climate change adaptation and debates around it are currently in a time of potentially significant transition. Much focus of COP negotiations has been on agreeing on a common rulebook and on ensuring Global South access to finance for Climate Change Action. These goals have now by and large been reached and international attention is now shifting to how and at what scale climate change actions take place and are governed.

How finance is shared between mitigation and adaptation and between middle income countries and LDCs is highly skewed with most going to mitigation in middle-income countries, while 41% of finance to Least Developed Countries in 2018 was focused on adaptation objectives, representing 6% of total climate change finance (OECD 2020). Initial studies indicate that the vast majority of finance for climate change adaptation in Least Developed Countries is currently used and governed at international and national levels. We lack, however, robust national-level data. The Panel invite papers with trustworthy data on the extent to which finance for adaptation is devolved, i.e., governed and used at central ministry or at sub-national levels.

The panel argue that devolved governance of climate change adaptation leads to a less skewed spatial distribution of financial resources, although devolution alone may not alleviate political conflict and produce solutions that are better tailored to local conditions. Few studies have focused on the political economy of climate change adaptation at local government level and fieldwork-based research is needed fill this knowledge gap. The panel invite papers on the political economy of local government implementation of climate change adaptation support.


The panel will select 3-5 panelists who each will contribute a paper (between 1,200 and 1,800 words, excluding references) and a pre-recorded presentation (between 8-12 minutes). All panelists and participants will be asked to read the papers prior to the conference. In the first 20 minutes the convenors will outline the key questions raised by the papers and presentations. Then, each presenter will give a 2min pitch summarising their key argument and another 2min to address one of the key questions raised by the convenor. After this follows 20 minutes open discussion among the audience and panelists with convenors’ moderation. Participants will be asked to limit interventions to 2-3 minutes.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Wednesday 6 July, 2022, -