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Accepted Paper:

Decolonising Mission and Development - perspectives from a white British Christian  
Helen Stawski (Motwani) (Independent consultant)

Paper short abstract:

Building on my experiences working for the Church Mission Society, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Islamic Relief Worldwide and the International Rescue Committee, this presentation will look at the intersection of religion and decolonisation in development partnerships.

Paper long abstract:

Much of the development and humanitarian work in the world today continues to be delivered through faith-based partnerships. International faith-based partnerships are often underpinned by long standing familial and institutional relationships; and are regularly nurtured through shared religious traditions and rituals. However, this social, economic, political and spiritual capital, is also inextricably linked to racist colonial legacies, and the pervasiveness of white supremacy culture amongst religious and political elites.

Building on my experiences working for the Church Mission Society, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Islamic Relief Worldwide and the International Rescue Committee, this presentation will look at the intersection of religion and decolonisation in development partnerships. Critical questions include:

1. How can faith-based development partnerships better share capacity and catalyse transformational change by confronting their complex colonial past?

2. What is the impact of ignoring asymmetries of power within religious leadership (that mirror colonial structures) when building partnerships to pursue shared agendas for justice?

3. How can a more diverse, inclusive and equitable approach to multi-faith engagement in the Europe and North America catalyse decolonised approaches to development?

Round Table P06b
Decolonisation, development and faith II
  Session 1 Tuesday 29 June, 2021, -