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Accepted Paper:

How the dynamics of Public-Private Partnership successfully support Agricultural Value Chain in Global South?  
Hyojung Lee (ES ConsultingSeoul National University)

Paper short abstract:

This research tried to explore how the dynamics and mechanism of PPP successfully support Agricultural Value Chain in Global South with three cases of cooperation between donor agencies and international food companies

Paper long abstract:

This research aimed at studying how Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the official development assistance (ODA) expand Agricultural Value Chains in developing countries. The conventional ODA has provided one-way assistance to farmers in Global South recognizing them as a passive recipient. However, a new paradigm in the era of the SDGs encourages donor agencies and private companies to change their approach by considering farmers in Global South as an active producer for the end market in developing countries. However, it still needs to explore how the dynamics and mechanism of PPP successfully support Agricultural Value Chain.

To this end, this study defined the role and relationship of the actors at each VC phase and then assessed the partnership among actors in VCs, with the cases of cooperation between donor agencies and international food companies. Especially, it examined the collaboration for chili pepper production in Vietnam between CJ, a Korean food company, and KOICA, a donor agency of Korea. CJ which has the goal to enter into Southeast Asian market has participated Public-Private-Partnership ODA project in order to continuously provide chili peppers to its Kimchi factory built in Vietnam. The case of Unilever and DFID, UK in Kenya and Ajinomoto and JICA, Japan in Ghana were also compared with Korean case.

In conclusion, it suggests policy implications for a new model of ODA programs focusing on Agricultural Value Chains and the theme of PPPs.

Panel H01
Value chains and production networks: reducing or reproducing inequalities? (Paper)
  Session 1