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Accepted Paper:
Environment, conflict and security nexus in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.
Hurso Adam
Paper short abstract:
What this paper aim is to examine and discuss the politics of oil, environment, conflict and security in the Nigeria's Niger Delta region.The diagreement 'greed versus grievance' between companies & communies led to the conflicts in the region.
Paper long abstract:
In the oil-rich Niger Delta region, the ongoing conflict is between two distinct actors: those clamouring for local ownership of the oil-rich environment and the state; and its allies who struggle to maintain the national ownership of the natural resources. The local communities in the oil-bearing region are posing threats to state legitimacy through the formation of armed civilians groups waging war against the federal government of Nigeria in the name of environmental justice. The reckless exploitation of the natural resources in the Niger Delta amounts to environmental devastation - ecological war. The activities of the oil companies have a devastating impact on people's health, the environment, and the ecosystem. The multinationals oil companies supported by Nigerian state depend heavily on violence to maintain and sustain their interest to control and exploit the oil in the Niger Delta. This paper will explore the interface between the environment, conflict and security in the oil-rich restive Niger Delta.
Sustainability and the role of collective action in shifting power relations in the extractive industries
Session 1