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Accepted Contribution:
Human Rights' hegemonic conceptions under siege: Commoning and uncommoning practices against Terricide in northern Patagonia (Argentina)
Claudia Briones
(National University of Rio Negro and CONICET)
Contribution short abstract:
By analyzing commoning and uncommoning practices against Terricide undertaken by the Mapuche-Tewelche people in northern Patagonia (Argentina), this presentation argues that the challenge lies not merely in avoiding the violation of Human Rights but rather in seeking their reformulation.
Contribution long abstract:
Through processes of territorial recovery, opposition to mega-extractive industries or campaigns against Terricide, the Mapuche-Tewelche people of northern Patagonia in Argentina have been denouncing not simply the violation of their differentiated rights, but fundamentally broader and more worrying risks arising from situations of hydric emergency and climate crisis. While governments blame “Mapuche terrorism” for the exacerbation of forest fires that rather bear witness to what the Mapuche-Tewelche communities and organizations denounce, environmental movements warn about the effects of environmental inequalities and injustices that these and other catastrophes bring with them. Against such a backdrop, the purpose of this presentation is to analyze the ideological, epistemological and ontological frictions brought to light by the conflicts with indigenous people that have been activated in the region, to evaluate whether indigenous commoning and uncommoning practices should be seen as demanding solely again
Commoning Solidarities beyond Differences? Values and their (de)grounding of Political Communities
Session 1