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Accepted Contribution:

The Healthy Dividual. Care and cure beyond the human in Northwestern Amazonia  
Wolfgang Kapfhammer (Institut für Ethnologie)

Contribution short abstract:

Drawing on fieldwork in NW-Amazonia the paper argues that the social attitude of a "Gemeinsinn" (common spirit) becomes a sort of cosmic „Gemeinsinn beyond the human". This commoning of care and cure consolidates the integrity of the person by rearranging their „dividual“ bundle of relationships.

Contribution long abstract:

The characteristic feature of the cosmic diplomacy of Northwestern Amazonian healing rites is to reach beyond the isolated individual to include the immediate environment and its human and non-human inhabitants.

The social attitude of a "Gemeinsinn" (common spirit) becomes a sort of cosmic „Gemeinsinn beyond the human". This commoning of care and cure consolidates the integrity of the person by rearranging their „dividual“ (Strathern) bundle of relationships and identities.

The cosmic diplomacy of the healing rites works primarily through making aware of the conflictual nature of the field of relationships beyond the human. Although it is known that common-spirited (gemeinsinnige) transformation processes that will be necessary to master the planetary ecological crisis will not be without conflicts and depotentiations, in the West these conflicts are kept under the carpet by strenuous efforts of repression, whose explosive potential is becoming increasingly worrying.

Workshop P008
Commoning as a Healing Practice? Potentials, Challenges, and Promises.
  Session 2