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Accepted Contribution:

The Larantuka Strait as a commons and marine renewable energy infrastructure discourse  
M.Ichsan Rahmanto (Institut für Sozialanthropologie, Universitat Bern)

Contribution short abstract:

Marine areas, including straits, occupy an important place as commons in the culture of coastal communities in Indonesia. This paper explores the changes and consequences of the discourse on renewable energy infrastructure development in the Larantuka Strait.

Contribution long abstract:

This paper explores the meaning of the strait as a commons for coastal communities in Larantuka, Indonesia, in relation to the discourse of marine renewable energy infrastructure development in this location. Culturally, eastern Indonesian communities such as Larantuka share a common concept of access to marine resources. This discourse has created anxiety that is reflected in public responses between support and opposition, also hope and fear. How do the coastal communities interpret the Larantuka Strait as a common? What are the techno-social imaginaries that emerge? Finally, in the face of the infrastructure development plan, how is the strait as a common being transformed into a private site for the production of electrical energy? To answer these questions, I conducted ethnographic research in the Larantuka Strait, Indonesia, in September-October 2024, and this year in April-August.

Workshop P002
Un/commoning renewable energy transitions
  Session 1