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Accepted Contribution:
Contribution short abstract:
Vanuatu's '20 Vatu food' is supposed to be an affordable, healthy and local alternative to imported fast food. But how exactly does it strengthen food sovereignty, promote local food practices and enable self-sufficient and sustainable community nutrition through the commons concept?
Contribution long abstract:
In Vanuatu, people are moving away from rural areas to live in cities, they want quick meals, but fresh, local food is expensive in the markets and takes a long time to prepare. 20vatu food is a way to address these issues by providing affordable meals using local ingredients, which can help people become less dependent on imported food.
A key part of the "20 Vatu food" is the commons principle: 'mamas' cook for the community and are financially rewarded for doing so. This could not only promote social cohesion, but also protect local food traditions. It could also be a way of reducing dependence on industrial food production and strengthening food sovereignty. In this way, "20 Vatu food" could be a good example of sustainable, local food and help to solve health problems caused by the consumption of highly processed food.
With this in mind, as part of my PhD research "The ‘future gardens’ of Luganville?" I will also be investigating the ways in which the practice of "20vatu food" in Luganville is enacted in peri-urban communities. Using an ethnographic approach and a range of qualitative methods, including working with local cooks and consumers, I aim to gain a deeper understanding of how this food practice is embedded in everyday life.
Un/Commoning Mobilites in Oceania: Movements, Meanings, and Practices
Session 1