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Accepted Contribution:

Collaborative and Non-Hierarchical Models in Psychological Anthropology  
Ferdiansyah Thajib (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) Rifki Akbar Pratama (KUNCI Study Forum and Collective)

Contribution short abstract:

This session explores the potential for commons-based, non-hierarchical research models in academia. It will discuss how these models can unlearn traditional academic structures in psychological anthropology and what implications this might have for the field.

Contribution long abstract:

This session explores the potential for commons-based, non-hierarchical research models in academia based on practice both inside and outside institutions. Through each model, the project will also study the potentiality for immanent critique of the idea of discipline. It will discuss how these models can help to unlearn traditional academic structures in psychological anthropology and what implications this might have for the field. The leading questions are: How can commoning research practices create pedagogical moments to navigate institutional frustration, grapple with traumatic remnants of colonial legacies, and confront the challenges of building meaningful allyship across differences? How might these pedagogical processes pave the way for reimagining academic hierarchies and fostering the emergence of a new working class grounded in principles of solidarity and collaborative knowledge production?

Laboratory P065
Exploring the Commons in Psychological Anthropology: Collective Care, Well-being, and Reimagined Norms
  Session 1