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Accepted Contribution:

Crisis care as commons tether  
Lauren Cubellis (Technical University of Munich)

Contribution short abstract:

This project examines the role of social relationships in psychiatric crisis care. By attuning to familial and social networks in practices of listening and recognition, recovery is revealed to be a re-commoning of traumatic experience, held in relation and reimagined through the collective.

Contribution long abstract:

This project examines the role of social relationships in psychiatric crisis care. By attuning to familial and social networks in practices of listening and recognition, recovery is revealed to be a re-commoning of traumatic experience, held in relation and reimagined through the collective.

In this laboratory contribution, participants will engage in short but powerful exercises designed to explore our capacities to listen, and to heighten our attention to words and emotions in order to more complexly engage the experiences of others. These exercises are derived from a dialogical therapeutic approach and reconceptualized to speak to the ethnographic as well, revealing a compelling resonance between anthropolgical modes of disciplinary listening and those of actors in psychological and caring spaces. Following the exercises, we will discuss this and other ideas that surface for participants.

Laboratory P065
Exploring the Commons in Psychological Anthropology: Collective Care, Well-being, and Reimagined Norms
  Session 1