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Accepted Contribution:

Un/commoning the urban  
Faduma Abukar Mursal (University of Lucerne)

Contribution long abstract:

The concept of the Undercommon by Harney and Moten (2013) offers a fresh lens for understanding my research on contemporary forms of enclosure shaped by neoliberal urban governance and security doctrines. I drawing on ethnographic anecdotes from spaces at the margins of the formal economy, a privileged space of the undercommons. I explore the emergence of 'speculative practices'—both in how transnational actors experiment with security mechanisms and in how urban dwellers respond to, support, and subvert these mechanisms in their daily lives. In doing so, this reflection will contribute to ongoing debates about the tensions and possibilities of contemporary urban Un/commoning.

Roundtable P058
The Undercommons and Un/commoning
  Session 1