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Accepted Contribution:
Contribution short abstract:
Based on ethnographic research, this paper analyses the social engagement of “Russian Germans” in Bavaria in relation to the war in Ukraine. This engagement, which is articulated and practiced in everyday life, changes the positioning of the group of “Russian Germans” in different respects.
Contribution long abstract:
Based on ethnographic research, this article analyses the social engagement of “Russian Germans” in Bavaria in relation to the war in Ukraine. It is not uncommon for this group to be negatively emphasized in the social media: as “AfD voters” or “Putin supporters.” I would like to break down the homogenizing negative image of this group and instead offer a differentiated picture. I argue that the everyday full-time or voluntary work of “Russian Germans” in the field of integration with Ukrainian refugees and in political education programs with different migrant groups can be seen as a form of active commitment. This engagement, which is articulated and practiced in everyday life, changes the positioning of the group of “Russian Germans” in different respects. It expands the participation of this group in social processes that are important for the country. And it broadens the political field of action of the individual “Russian-German” citizens in the form of participation, shaping “integration policy” in Germany. Such active commitment contributes to the common good of German society.
Keywords: Russian Germans; Ukrainian refugees; counselling; active commitment; citizenship
Commoning Solidarities beyond Differences? Values and their (de)grounding of Political Communities
Session 2