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Accepted Contribution:

Accompanied Invasion: A Queer of Color Perspective on Accompanied Research and Methods  
Artemis Saleh (Goethe University)

Contribution short abstract:

This paper discusses perspectives of color on relational ethnographic research with and without "family" and its potentially (un)common meanings.

Contribution long abstract:

While in recent publications on ethnographic research and positionality, the researcher’s engendered body (Hanson & Richards 2019; Kloß 2017), matters of security and mental health during research (Thurmann [forthcoming]), and even single parenthood (Ghodsee 2009) have become more prominent topics. In literature on accompanied research, narratives of color (Tahir 2024) continue to be hardly found; even less so queer of color perspectives. Thus, this paper engages the reflexive practice of „invading ethnography“ (Adjepong 2019) to enrich accompanied ethnographic research theory and methods with a queer of color perspective. Drawing on my ethnographic research experiences as a queer mother of color with queer and trans communities in Lagos, Abuja, and Ilorin, Nigeria, I promote Adjepong’s (2019) „invading“ approach to disrupt normative assumptions about the multiple positionalities brought to and encountered in research environments. Invading ethnography not only “disrupts normative ethnographic narratives”, but provides them with „language through which to grapple with discomfort and marginality“, therefore a tool that assists in articulating the engendered and relational body in research environments.

Workshop P027
Accompanied research. A theme for theories, methodologies and teaching
  Session 2