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Accepted Paper:

The concept of circulation as a tool to understand the movement of exchanges in the early modern world. Case study: medicine trade in the Portuguese Empire during 18th century.  
Danielle Almeida (FioCruz)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper studies how the concept of circulation can be used to analyze the exchanges between different parts of the Portuguese Empire and between these regions and foreign nations in the late eighteenth century.

Paper long abstract:

This paper studies how the concept of circulation can be used to analyze the exchanges between differents parts of the Portuguese Empire and between these regions and foreign nations in the late eighteenth century. Our perspective will fall specifically in the trade of pharmaceutical products, in which there is a two-way insertion of imported drugs in America and an output colonial products to Europe. It should be noted that transformations occurring in Portugal and overseas, due to measures taken by the Marquis of Pombal, resulted in increased imports of drugs in different regions of the Americas, among other things. The aim of this work is to show the dynamics of circulation of knowlegde, pratices and products entailed by the trade of remedies. Ee will use as the basis of our analysis documents the Companhia de Comércio do Grão-Pará e Maranhão, located in the Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo and the documents about the input and output of medicines in the Alfândega de Lisboa.

Panel P16
Transfer or …? Revisiting concepts in the global history of knowledge
  Session 1