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Accepted Paper:
'With Great Pomp and Magnificence': Royal Gifts and the Embassies between Siam and France in the 1680s
Giorgio Riello
(University of Warwick)
Paper short abstract:
In 1686 the ambassadors of the King of Siam were received by Louis XIV of France. This paper considers the role played by Siamese gifts and shows how this was just one of a series of exchanges of embassies, and how the gifts structured a mutual but asymmetrical relationship between France and Siam
Paper long abstract:
In September 1686, the ambassadors of the King of Siam were received with great honour by Louis XIV of France. This paper considers the nature and role played by Siamese gifts and shows how this was just one of a series of mutual exchanges of embassies and gifts. This paper shows how the gifts structured a a mutual - though asymmetrical - relationship between France and Siam.
Global gifts: material culture and diplomatic exchange in the Early Modern world
Session 1