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Accepted Paper:
Circulating knowledge: medical manuscripts of the 18th century Portuguese India.
Fabiano Bracht
(University of Porto)
Amélia Polónia
(University of Porto - Faculty of Arts)
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Paper short abstract:
This paper intends to present the current state of our PhD research centred on medical manuscripts produced in 18th century Goa. Besides contextualising their production, it aims at characterizing the local agents responsible for the production of such knowledge and debate its possible hybridism.
Paper long abstract:
This paper aims at submitting to discussion a research project developed under the PhD program in History of the University of Porto. It is centred on the analysis of the production of medical texts in Goa, during the 18th century, and their circulation in Europe. The discussion will be centred on two analytical axes. Firstly, it intends to identify and characterize the agents who produced such knowledge. Who were they? Where did they study and with which kind of intellectual setup did they interact with? Secondly, we will focus on the characteristics of the produced knowledge: was it based in a more European or autochthone background? Can we identify a hybrid medical knowledge containing elements of both European and Indian traditions? And at what extent did it contribute at the renovation of European medical practices?
Medical knowledge and transfer in the colonies
Session 1