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Accepted Paper:

From Peanuts to Venetian glasses: material culture and Spanish diplomacy  
Manfredi Merluzzi (Università Roma Tre) Flavia Tudini (Roma Tre)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper focus on Diplomatic gift during the imperial expansion of the Spanish Monarchy, they were an instrument of reciprocal representation but construed also a way of circulation for different commodities through the different areas of the Spanish Empire.

Paper long abstract:

Through the analysis of different study cases, this paper focus on the broad influence of the culture, material and immaterial, in the Spanish diplomatic acting in XVI-XVII century. Material cultural traits are a concrete evidence of the different cultures as wells as mirror of their tastes, values, economics and productive skills. During the imperial expansion of the Spanish Monarchy, Diplomatic gifts were an instrument of reciprocal representation but construed also a way of circulation for different commodities through the different areas of the Spanish Empire

Panel P12
Global gifts: material culture and diplomatic exchange in the Early Modern world
  Session 1