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Accepted Paper:

The transfer of knowledge and the cultural exchanges between the Portuguese and the Malabar Kingdoms, in the early sixteenth century.  
Vitor Rodrigues (IICT - Lisbon)

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Paper short abstract:

The main purpose of the paper is to define the process of intercultural relations between Portuguese and Indians in Malabar mainly focused on the transfer of military an technological practices.

Paper long abstract:

As stated by Jean Aubin, the Portuguese presence on the Malabar Coast in the early sixteenth century was noticeable for their "learning of India". The main goal of our paper is to define the process resulting from the adaptation of the Portuguese not only to the new cultural, mental and material realities of the Malabar social structures - chiefly in the Kingdoms of Kochi, Kannur and Kozhikode - but also to a physical geography that was totally unknown for them; this study will also be focused on the transfer of military and technological practices, especially within the naval and the pyro-ballistic branches, which have eventually given a decisive contribution to hasten the naval military relevance of the Portuguese in the region.

Panel P24
From networks to spaces: social identities, craft knowledge and cross-cultural trade (1400-1800)
  Session 1